Friday, January 27, 2006


I freaked at work today.


I hung up on this horrible customer and then stormed out. I got to the car before my mind cleared and I remembered...

Bills. Heat. Car insurance. Food. Oil of Olay soap.

And so, after sucking back a smoke, I slunked back into work. Fortunately, no one had even noticed I left.

By the end of the day I was in a better mood. During downtime I worked on my new murder mystery, which I totally enjoy. On the way out of work, I stopped to chat with a friend of mine.

There is just something about him that just soothes me. Our conversations always begin the same way. "Hey!" "Hey! How's it going?" And end with me leaving, no matter how bad my world is, with a happy little grin on my face. He says the most profound things. Today, somehow, we got on the topic of how in the afterlife we will get to see the truths of our lives as though a movie and will be able to see, as though an observer, the mistakes we made as well as the things we did right.

All that, plus more, in a mere seven minutes.

Then, when I got home things just got better. I received an email from Abraham from Guisiliapa telling me not to be sad and that they remember us and will not forget us. *sigh*

I sent off my second query today, kissed it and put it in the mailbox beside the last one I sent it from. Can't be too careful. It could have been the mailbox that caused the rejection!

Okay, let's see if Blogger will let me upload some pictures!

Now, I'm sure some are wondering where exactly Guisiliapa is. Well, thanks to Javier's finger, you now know...

Here's my jungle Leigh picture - me outside Javier's family's casa. His mother's garden is so pretty.

Okay, one more.

This is looking up the road toward Krystal and Javier's house. The green car is a taxi! And at the veeeeeery end of this road is some really scary shit. I have pictures. But those are for another blog.

Happy weekend, everyone!


At 5:12 AM, Blogger rinaz said...

And a happy weekend to you too :)

Surfed your blog through BE, by the way

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Michelle Miles said...

I love the pics. Thanks for sharing them! Hope you have a great weekend. :)

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lee-Gee - you have to remember, soon you may be freaking on tourists that are on your bus :)


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