Friday, November 04, 2005

Au Revoir!

Well, it's another fine fall day in Halifax (well, Dartmouth and Lower Sackville, really). The colour of the trees as they change from green to a beautiful maroon is utterly heart-stopping. If only I could climb a tree and stay there instead of going to work...

Things have proved - well, challenging. The saddest part about today, aside from the fact the reps we're here to help clearly don't want us here, is that JP (aka crazy French driver) left to go back to Montreal. It's going to be weird without him, and it was sad saying goodbye. It was a quick goodbye, however, because these French guys believe in arriving at the airport 20 minutes before their flight is set to leave. I received an sms from him saying he made it on with 2 minutes to spare. I would have had a heart attack. Here's JP with a really, really large beer, a mere 45 minutes before his flight.

There are still five of us here, though, and the five remaining are a total blast. Tomorrow another girl, Denise, leaves also, so tonight we're fiesta-ing in her honour. I don't think I've drank this much since I got my fake ID when I was 15... (sorry, Mom! hehe)

Tomorrow, my travelling buddy and I are going to take the sweet blue PT Cruiser to PEI. I can't wait! That is, if we can get our bums out of bed early enough heh heh.

So far so good with NaNo, but tonight I'm not going to get much done, I'm afraid. Linde had a big night last night though, and I think she needs some time to get over her anger with me, so it's probably for the best.

There's a great place here called The Economy Shoe Shop, which is this magical courtyard-type place, but it's all indoors. We are going to go there tonight for a bit before we move on. In case that link doesn't work, here's a pic of The Shoe Shop, too.

Tonight should be fun, if I could only wake up! I'm NaNo exhausted, and it's only day four!


At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the link to the Shoe Shop. It looks like it is really a truly historical 'place' to hang out. I hope that the whole PT Cruiser trip will be fun for you guys, too.
I am sure you will let us know how things go!!!hehehe

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Michelle Miles said...

The Shoe Shop sounds like a great place to visit! Hope you're having a blast. ;)

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Colin said...

Good luck with your NaNo exploits!!

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Economy Shoe Shop is a great place to go. I really enjoy being there it's so relaxing hope to meet you there


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