Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ready to Roll

Sweet! It's 2:26 am and I've just stepped out of a long, hot shower - much deserved after finishing the Mending Resolute website. Okay, okay, it's not FINISHED finished - John and I are still working on the animation - actually, we haven't really started yet, however the majority of it is up. Some of my fonts aren't working, so if all you see is Times New Roman, please keep checking - it's all going to be kick ass soon. If you have a sweet computer like mine, you're probably enjoying these way-cool graphics right now.

PayPal is up and running on the site also.

I think.

Anyone feel like being a guinea pig? (Not literally, silly, just to test out the payment procedure! Geeze, I wouldn't actually turn you into some hairy rodent...)

Okay, let me sweeten the pot! Since the actual subscriptions won't begin until Monday, October 17th, the first 5 people to subscribe (thereby letting me know if it works) will receive their next subscription free. ie: If you chose 10 issues for $4.95 (CAD, of course) you'll get the next ten for nothing.

If you go for 20 issues for $8.95, you'll receive your next twenty for nothing. And on and on. You get the drift. So go now! It's Click the clock (with the scrolling "click above to visit Resolute" underneath), check out the first issue, and at the bottom is a "Get Resolute" link. After that, it's all pretty self-explanatory.

Yes, you may actually run into problems. No really, I haven't tried it out yet. Ideally, you should be sent to PayPal after filling in your information. Now I will sit here, twiddling my thumbs until someone tries it out. And I'm seriously tired. I may pass out here, waiting, but that's what being a writer is all about - passing out on your keyboard, right? Although usually me passing out on the keyboard involves a little more wine than consumed post-blog this evening, but that's another story for another blog. Or you can just read the very first blog, and it will all make sense.

Anyhow, today the NaNo site resumed! (Just to fill non-NaNoers in, we impatient writers crashed the site on October 1st because we all pounced at once, anticipating new t-shirt designs...) So I'm all signed up, and I'm dedicating my NaNo challenge this year to - what else? Mending Resolute. Himself insists he's going to do it this year, but I think he's full of @$%#.

Yeah, that's right, I said that!

I would also like to take a moment to thank Jenn Rausch. She is my friend, and, ironically, the very same person who cut me off in traffic today as I innocently drove from serving meals at the homeless shelter to the home of the 103-year-old armless woman I feed lunch to each day. I almost rear-ended her, but fortunately my cat-like reflexes prevented disaster! I'm thinking about taking another route from now on so Jenn Rausch doesn't try to run me off the road again. Although we are even now. A few months ago, the question in the Dose forum asked which superheroes were Calgarian's favourites. Between Himself, Mom and Jenn Raush, Linde Riley was the most talked about person in that forum! Jenn had numerous personalities that night, the best being Hugh G. Recshion.

Should have warned you this was not going to be a PG-13 blog, but life with Jenn Rausch is never PG-13, I assure you.

So, go to the Mending Resolute site and get free issues!


At 6:55 AM, Blogger Colin said...

Good luck with NaNoWriMo and Mending Resolute. The website is coming on very nice - I like the colours a lot!

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Michelle Miles said...

You're doing a fantastic job. I just know it will all work. As soon as I can, I'll get over there and get me a subscription (right now, I have boots to buy). :)

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Leigh Clements, The Mystery Maiden, Shot In The Dark said...

Boots? BOOTS? Tell me more, and include pictures, if possible. Hehe


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