Friday, September 30, 2005

So long, KIC

Phew! Yesterday I made a bit of a big decision. I let it roll around like rocks in my head yesterday, and found, as my research went on, that I became more and more excited.

First off, I would llike to apoligize to my subscribers. The current KIC situation should have been resolved by now, but recent communication has expressed it will be at least November 1st, AT LEAST before it gets up and running again.

My contract with KIC is up on October 11th. As KIC is currently unoperational, I could pull Mending Resolute right now, but I can use the time to get organized. As most people know, I deeply believe in Linde's story. Most times, I don't even feel like I'm creating it, more like she's whispering it in my ear and I'm typing as fast as I can to keep up. So, I think I'm going to continue in the serialized format until the story is complete, and I will do it on my own, running it off my website.

The Google Advertising has been going very well - I have had 140 clicks in a week, and most are reading the free issue. Of course, at this point, I can't tell if anyone has sent up a future subscription, but, like many other KIC authors, I will be demanding a list of my subscribers. If you subscribe to Mending Resolute, or have recently (since mid-August) requested a subscription, please email me at If possible, please include the number of the last issue you received. If you've been meaning to subscribe and haven't, again, please email me rather than going through the KIC site.

I'm going to change things a bit. A lot of my readers have told me it's hard to keep up with the intensity when issues are only received twice per week. So, with the new plan, subscribers will receive an issue every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Subscribers will not pay by the month, but by a cluster of issues. For example, issue 1-20 will be $5 CAD (you lucky Americans! hehe). But here's the truly exciting part.

As many of you know, my friend John is a graphics genious and is helping me with my site. He's currently building - yes, building building one-nineteen (wow, that's a lot of buildings... hehe). Mending Resolute is going to be fully interactive. Subscribers will receive basically four elements with their subscription:

1) The story

2) A weekly subscription to The Resolute Reader (the local Resolute newspaper) which will include Resolute news, a Lifestyle section, classifieds and comics

3) Keys. Every once in a while, a key will go out to subscribers, unlocking another part of the mystery. The "key" will allow the reader into another part of the site.

4) Trivia answers. When up and running fully, not everyone will be able to access every part of the site. Obviously, as the story goes on, there are plot developments that would be spoiled for the reader if exposed on the site. With your subscription, you will also receive the answers to trivia questions, which will again unlock another section of the site that wasn't accessible previously.

If you've checked out the website, you know Mending Resolute has a whole new look, and this will also reflect in the format of the issues.

Sounds like fun, eh? I will be running a pre-launch, early bird-type promo, so if you already know you want to subscribe, please email me. Again, my devoted readers, please email me as well. Want a free issue? I'll email it to you until I get the "Read a Free Issue" section going on the site, which is my second priority here.

So, there it is. Am I insane?


At 10:27 PM, Blogger Michelle Miles said...

AWESOME! I think this idea totally rocks. YOU GO GIRL! And yeah, I'm missing Scott and Linde. But I can't remember what issue I stopped at, so I'll get back to you on that. :) Good luck with the site!

At 6:38 PM, Blogger ~Daydreamer~ said...

My story was supposed to be published soon on KIC (romance genre). I also had another serial there last year.

Anyway, for a while I've been thinking about launching it from my website or something of the sort. I guess I just don't have the guts! But I really think your idea is so cool :D

The situation with Kelli is frustrating. She doesn't write back now. I think KIC is going down, people!! But she should at least respect the authors and tell us.

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Leigh Clements, The Mystery Maiden, Shot In The Dark said...

Wow, Marwa! I'm sorry to hear you were just starting out... what is your romance story about?

At 8:58 PM, Blogger ~Daydreamer~ said...

Well I did publish a serial there last year, Leigh (Diaries section) that was called "A life of my own".

The romance story that is/was supposed to be published on KIC was about a young girl who discovers her family history of witchcraft (romance genre) and her search for true love.

Well, I'm now seriously thinking about starting it on my website and people can subscribe from there and I can send them issues via email. Much like KIC. Only I get to control many things and I won't close the site and not say!! Ugh.

Anyway, this is Marwa, Leigh. I just changed the pic and display name. Tada!

Come visit my blog too dear. Talking to like minded writers always makes my day :)


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