Happy Thanksgiving, Canucks!
Well, it's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, and my list of things I'm thankful for begins with the Knefla and Sauerkraut feast Mom made us last night. Knefla is German dish that defies explanation. Just imagine the best thing you've EVER tasted, times that by five hundred, and you've got knefla.
The best part of knefla is that Mom usually makes extra, so I get to eat it for a week and a half after. Although I was so stuffed last night I could hardly move, I woke up at 12:30 am craving more.
Not only that, but Mom's also making a turkey tomorrow! Mmmm turkey. How am I so lucky, you ask? Don't know. Maybe the Karma from tipping barristas (and that nice little man at Mr. Sub) is finally coming back to me.
I've realized some problems with the Mending Resolute site. Namely, Firefox presents HTML code rather than the graphics, and I suspect this is happening on Linux systems also. What do I intend to do about this? Damned if I know. But if this happens to you, please email me.
I WILL, however, get the rest of the bugs worked out this weekend. Thanks to those who are thinking about being my guinea pigs for the PayPal link. I appreciate the thought! We (and by we, I mean me) officially launch on October 11th, so those who are thinking about it, please do it now. You'll get the discount off future issues. Plus, I'm offering up Karma also. If you volunteer to subscribe and test out my PayPal link on your computer, you too could get two Thanksgiving dinners! (Americans, you still have time to get Karma Credit for this year's feast!)
I splurged yesterday and bought three CD's. This is UNHEARD of for me, but to my credit, I did even it out with a bit of early Christmas shopping. I bought the OLD Jack Johnson (On and On, playing right now on my computer speakers), the new Foo Fighters (Mom replied, "What's a Foo Fighter? hehe I laughed so hard I almost threw up. She's so cute) and took a chance on a Canadian band from Victoria, called The Armchair Cynics. I'm REALLY enjoying this album - sort of Matt Good meets Nickelback. I highly recommend checking it out - it will be the newest edition to my Linde Riley soundtrack.
Now that everyone who must be informed has been informed, I can tell the rest of the world. I've been chosen to go on a work trip for five weeks. The first week will definitely be in Montreal. From there I will either remain in Montreal, go to St. John, New Brunswick, or Pembrook, Ontario. I'm happy going to any of the three. Here's the challenge: It's NaNo month! So, either I have to find a laptop or a Palm Pilot by next week, or I'll be doing pen-to-paper and typing like mad for the last 10 days of the challenge. Either way, it's going to be great! I'm using the NaNo challenge to complete Mending Resolute - Book 2.
By the way, I'm offering anyone else doing the NaNo a special deal on Mending Resolute - click the NaNo Participants link on the homepage for more info.
All right, I've had it. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to attack that Knefla and eat it for breakfast.
So glad that you enjoyed the kneffla. Maybe you could make ME a dinner of it, sometime?
Congrats on the Montreal trip. Hope all goes well...By the way, I will be a willing guinea pig for paypal since I am missing Mending Resolute as we speak. The website IS doing some funky stuff. I will email you the details.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
So glad that you enjoyed the kneffla. Maybe you could make ME a dinner of it, sometime?
Congrats on the Montreal trip. Hope all goes well...By the way, I will be a willing guinea pig for paypal since I am missing Mending Resolute as we speak. The website IS doing some funky stuff. I will email you the details.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Sorry about the double comment. I have just subscribed to PayPal. I feel like such a guinea pig!!!hehehe
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